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ADOT I-17 Improvement Project

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About the Project

Project History

The I-17 Improvement project began in 2018 with technical analysis, environmental assessment and public involvement. This project has evolved over the last several years through these processes and is finally kicking off with final design and construction. Interested in how we got here and where we're going? Take a look at our timeline to learn more about the history and the future of the I-17 Improvement project.

Project Timeline

Project Area

Project Area Map

The 23-mile improvement project includes:

Watch Us Work!

What are crews up to today? Take a look before you hit the road. Highway cameras do not record and may be turned off during a critical incident.

I-17 SB 229.05 @Anthem

I-17 NB 235.50 @Table Mesa Rd - DMS #465

I-17 NB 242.71 @Black Canyon City

I-17 NB 251.90 @Sunset Point - DMS-385

I-17 SB 261.7 @SR69

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